Advancing educational effectiveness and equity!

Julian Vasquez Heilig

Julian Vasquez Heilig Profile Photo

Award-winning Leader, Scholar and Blogger

Julian Vasquez Heilig serves as the 24th Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at Western Michigan University, marking a significant milestone as the first Underrepresented Minority (URM) in the role. His career and achievements are detailed in his curriculum vitae, available at

Julian Vasquez Heilig's expertise in executive leadership is anchored in his experience across seven academic leadership roles. He has focused on elevating institutional prestige, engaging in collaborative strategic actions, and rapidly delivering results in enrollment, student success, and diversity initiatives.

His research and practice has been primarily focused on K-12 education curriculum, policy and leadership that impacts equity and innovation. A prolific scholar, he has authored more than 70 publications and spoken at hundreds of events— including more than 40 universities and 8 countries. For almost a decade, he has been ranked among the top 200 (.1%) education scholars in the nation by Edweek.

Provost Vasquez Heilig has conveyed invited testimony in state and national legislative bodies. He has also served as a volunteer education policy advisor and provided input for presidential and gubernatorial campaigns.

He has volunteered expertise and served in advisory roles for higher education, government, schools, foundations, civil rights organizations, and community advocacy non-profits. He has served on the Executive Committee and as Education Chair for both the Kentucky and California NAACP.

Provost Julian Vasquez Heilig has been honored with more than 30 teaching, research and service recognitions including Diversity in Education Magazine Multicultural Champion for 2015, and the passage of California Assembly Resolution 1459 in 2019— which commended his state and national impact. He was also commissioned by Governor Andy Beshear as a Kentucky Colonel in 2022.

His work has been cited by the New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, USAToday, Education Week and other print and electronic media outlets. He has also appeared to discuss his research on local and national radio and TV including Al Jazeera, ABC, Fox, CBS, PBS, NBC, NPR, Univision, and MSNBC.

Provost Vasquez Heilig received his Ph.D. in educational administration and policy analysis and a master’s degree in sociology from Stanford University. He also earned a master’s in higher education and a bachelor’s degree in history and psychology from the University of Michigan.

June 13, 2024

Dr. Julian Vasquez Heilig—Advancing Innovation and Access to Higher E…

Our guest, Dr. Julian Vasquez Heilig , is Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at Western Michigan University (WMU). He is an internationally known scholar and a nationally recognized advocate for educational effect...

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